Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beware the Fisher Cat

Just as I had in moving to Florida, my move to New England brings with it the opportunity to encounter a host of new flora and fauna. The newest animal to catch my attention has been a member of the weasel family, the Fisher Cat.

Having grown up in Ohio I had never heard of them before (they are apparently native to the Northeast and Canada). I learned about them one day when Amanda and I were discussing our cats (I swear I'm NOT a crazy cat's just, what else do you talk about when you don't have kids?)

Amanda: "Don't let your cat outdoors. Cats up here don't last more than a month."

"She's an indoor cat. What gets them?"

"Coyote, bobcats, and ugh, FISHER CATS."

This is a Fisher Cat: 

 Scary, right?!?! They're apparently about the size of a house cat but can take down a deer if they are really hungry--A DEER! That's madness...or perhaps just a wise tale. Either way it's not something I would want to run into in a dark alley (or very well lit alley for that matter). One even attacked a kid in road in Rhode Island last year. They're so vicious that they are the namesake of the AA baseball team in New Hampshire. That's right, the fisher cat is one bad mamagama.

So my new thing lately has been to blame everything that goes wrong on the fisher cat.

"Alirght, who spilled water on the floor and didn't clean it up?"

"Fisher cat."

"Did anyone grab that fax I've been waiting for?"

"I think it was the fisher cat."

"Who ate my muffin?"

"Probably not a fisher cat. They like meat and the occasional mushroom. Was it a meat muffin? If so then yes, probably a fisher cat got it."

So the next time something gets broken, misplaced, or your day is just not going as planned, blame it on the fisher cat. They're evil. Even if they didn't do it, they were likely thinking about doing it.


  1. I wonder if the fisher cat is the one who hides candy all over my House? Interesting.

  2. sounds like something a fisher cat would do...wouldn't put it past him. He's sneaky
